
Sage Essential Oil, Spanish (Lavender)


SKU: SalLav2 Categories: ,

Sage, Spanish Essential Oil (aka Lavender Sage Essential Oil or Spanish Sage)

A true memory aid!

Taken internally in capsules, a study in 2003 showed Spanish Sage oil can have measurable positive effects on memory retention. (the 2003 study can be found here: Tildesley N.T., Kennedy D.O., Perry E.K., et al (June 2003) So in spite of the questionable effects of Ginkgo biloba, there is hope. Use Spanish Sage essential oil instead. Many, many other studies have been done as well.

Spanish Sage essential oil also known as Lavender Sage, Sage Lavender, and Spanish Lavender. Like Lavender it calms, de-stresses, counters depression, eases inflammation, and relieves headaches. This oil also helps hormonal imbalances and may support fertility.

Spanish Sage essential oil is used in Spain. The Spanish cook with it and they use it to treat diabetes. Sage Oil is suppose to lower blood sugar without affecting insulin levels. Spanish Sage Oil is also used to combat rheumatism, menstrual problems, and digestive disorders. Is now being commonly used to replace Sage essential oil (Salvia officinalis) which has high ketones and often carries contraindications. Spanish Sage has no contraindication and safe to use. Can be blended with ravintsara (camphor), eucalyptus, or pine.

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